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Diacritic marks ugly in Firefox

Started by witek, December 10, 2017, 07:12:50 PM

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I have very ugly fonts with diacritic marks in Firefox on some websites. Can anybody advise how to change it?


Maybee you change you character encoding in Firefox.
You can find it under view. top right at the settings.

Witch version of Firefox you use ? Firefox, Firefox-esr or the new one Firefox 57 ?


Firefox ESR. Encoding is OK. Diacritics are much smaller than regular characters.
It seems to happen on websites that don`t force their own fonts. These problematic fonts are not anti-aliased or hinted. Other websites work OK. I tried to change the default font in Firefox but it won`t help. Here how it looks like:


Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on December 11, 2017, 11:40:13 AM
Change the screenshot, please.

What do you mean? Anyway, the image is here: http://advamacs.pl/pub/fonts.png


Firefox 57 also spoils diactritics on some websites. Any ideas, please?


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