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how to get flash to work in opera?

Started by poohduck, January 04, 2018, 09:36:11 AM

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I have opera 45 and sparky 4. I am unable to install flash plugin. I tried the manual install from flash plugin download site. There are 2 flashplayer options in synaptic package manager for chromium and mozilla. Will either of these work?


The mozilla plug in didn't work. It won't be chromium.

Pretty shitty; both adobe flash and opera are fairly sizable outfits that they can't make something basic like this work.


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Albert Einstein


Thanks for the try. I did try that 1st time up. I don't have either of the locations mentioned in the instructions. Those instructions are for Opera 11, I've got Opera 45, so that might be why they're not relevant.

Now, if I knew where Opera keeps plug ins now :)

I also tried the instructions in the readme that came as part of the flash install - no such folder either. I did create one where it was mentioned though, because the rest of the path was there. With the above Opera instructions half the path is missing.


Flash comes ready to roll with Chrome!


Quote from: Wombat on January 05, 2018, 11:45:32 AM
Flash comes ready to roll with Chrome!

Chrome is google. Google can't help itself as far as data collection goes. That's why I really want to be able to use linux on pc and the likes of cyanogenmod on android. I see that chrome is really good, I've just avoided it. Opera is generally awesome. I was trying to watch sbs on demand (Australia) and it will only work with the latest adobe flash. I really don't think Opera uses adobe now; they just haven't told anyone. Opera does play some video, obviously not flash. Can't get the "open in vlc" to work either.


Have you tried firefox-esr? It still support flash...
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Albert Einstein


SBS on Demand runs in Konqueror, the file manager..even better than firefox ESR. I'm not sure of the specifics as it's the first time I've tested it out as a web browser and possibly it is pulling something from chrome. Really need to try it out on a pc without Chrome to see.

There may be issues if running 32bit.

I also can't get vlc to run.


maybe too late ...
my experience with flash plugin in opera. (Mx Linux 64 bit)

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