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Time to Sparky again.

Started by blaze, October 16, 2017, 08:04:52 PM

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Installed Sparky Openbox in november last year. Upgraded it to unstable immediately, and all were very smooth during the freeze. After the freeze not so! :D

After a long break from Sparky I wanted to return, so I have made a fresh install of the latest Openbox. This time I will stay on testing and just enjoy the ride. Tuning it a little bit  so it fits my taste and flow. Nothing big, just adding a couple of applications etc.

Thank you for making Sparky happen pavroo! :)
Unstable OpenBoxer


I haven't used sid - unstable in awhile either. Too busy.
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


Yes, sid demands a little bit more attention and care from time to time. ;)
Unstable OpenBoxer


I have noticed that there are several duplicates in the menu system. Specially under the "System" and Settings" choices. Is that due to the obmenu-generator? Have genrated a static menu with it. This is not a problem for me, just being curious.
Unstable OpenBoxer


There are a few duplicates, but there are not a menu related. It is about packages developers - desktop files features a few categories where some packages have to be displayed.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Thanks, suspected something as such. So far all well, except some weird thing when trying the wireless printing. My suspicsion leans toward a bug somewhere, but today there were updates in the cups system, so I am looking forward to try it again. Wired printing works really well, so it is not a big deal. :)
Unstable OpenBoxer


Tried the wireless printing today. Had not tried it since I mentioned it here a while ago. It worked as it should.  ??? Really weird since the printer have been acting very weirdly lately. So bizarre sometimes that I've had the suspicion it might be time to get a new one. Will probably postpone the investment in a new printer as long as possible.  :)
Unstable OpenBoxer


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