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Upgrade issue

Started by carlo, November 03, 2017, 08:01:59 PM

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hi all
both of my pcs (sparkies) were working like a charm, but after latest update office one started making me mad:

seems like everything works ok, but after some ten/fifteen minutes from the booting i magically lose any "privilege", i mean if i open a console i can get this:
zsh: locking failed for /home/carlo/.zsh_history: file system in sola lettura: reading anyway
it says that the file system is read-only, so it can't write the zsh_history
sometimes i cannot even read my own zsh_history

moreover i cannot save the files i work on my usb stick, but -thankfully- can only create brand new ones

i've just opened dolphin and it says me this:
Impossibile creare un io-slave. Impossibile dialogare con klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher5 was not provided by any .service files
not sure at all what it might mean

Nemo asks me for administrator privileges cause it found some issues with the cache

i suspect it's a systemd queer, but i cannot find a newer version, not even on experimental repos:
any hint?


Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel



I haven't seen the issuse on any of my sparky installations so I suggest to check your file system and hard drive.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


what do you mean? is there any program which can do that?
should i post the dmesg? (i'm pretty sure i can't do anything before monday)  i've noticed while booting it says there's some issue with the ftp server


Quotefile system in sola lettura
had to translate, but it says: "read-only file system" so it means that probably your partition wasn't mounted properly.
So reboot.
If no changes try to re-mount manually:
sudo mount -o remount, rw /dev/sdaX
where X is your partition number (root and /home as well)
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


i'll try as soon as i can
but what really pisses me off is that it doesn't start working like that.. it changes idea after a while, even if i boot from recovery mode


I guess I've found the issue:

firefox-esr + login here: https://bancopostaimpresaonline.poste.it/bpiol1/
(maybe some extension lieke autofill could be involved as well)

it turns my user into a guest  ???
"funny" thing is that if i log in there with palemoon that does not happen.... ::)
now i'm trying to install "Normal" firefox and check if it happens again

dear firefox has some sort of crash loop, however while sending messages to mozilla it has time to make me guest again...
i'm going for the removal of it.. i can't say purge yet cause i need to retrieve passwords extensions settings from firefox

i've installed cyberfox, copied firefox profile, made cyberfox use it, everything works like a charm


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