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Can only log in as root

Started by Foxblood, July 27, 2017, 10:59:55 PM

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Hi, new to Sparky. After a recent update/upgrade, I can no longer log in as username, I can only log in as root. Any guidance would be very much appreciated. Thanks for your time.


the good news is, root can give him an easy password, for example ezpassword. This user can now log in using that temporary password, and the first thing he MUST do is change it to a new password he can remember easily.

If you are not familiar with the command or any command you can type man passwd on the terminal and "man" is the instruction that invokes the *nix manual for that command.

So to summarize, the superuser sets a temporary password, so that this new user can log in to set his or her own password.


I have changed password to no avail. I went so far as to remove user and re-add user again, still no joy. Is there anything else I can look at?


Login as root and check does any packages are not broken after the last upgrade:
dpkg --configure -a
apt install -f
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dpkg --configure -a gave no results. apt install -f removed some unnecessary packages.

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