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Will there be an 5.0 KDE edition? [SOLVED]

Started by ElQuia, July 24, 2017, 11:00:12 PM

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Will there be an 5.0 KDE edition? or should I download other destop iso like XFCE and add KDE to it?
BTW, could I add the packages that diferentiate "multimedia" edition also to base XFCE?
Would like an KDE Multimedia Edition LOL


There is not KDE edition, but I suggest to install any iso image and then install KDE via Synaptic, APT or APTus.
A special edition meta package can be installed on the top of any desktop.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


thanks pavroo, could you post the names of the meta packages for KDE Plasma descktop and the multimedia packages here please?, again... thanks


Meta package:
so KDE meta is:
Special editions meta:
so multimedia meta is:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


guess rescue would be sparky-meta-rescue?

THANKS pavroo ;)


Pavroo, BTW (just curious) .... any particular motive WHY there wont´t be an Sparky 5 KDE? ......   

I like KDE, it's a nice desktop useful to ease the transition from windowze to Linux ....  and personally I like the aesthetics...


Somebody already asked about KDE stable iso...
Have to create a desktop's poll soon.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Personally I prefer testing, I use xfce stable on old machines or for people that come from XP or other windowze, kde testing o xfce testing for  me.... don't really finish liking cinnamon


Quote from: pavroo on July 25, 2017, 12:45:41 AM
Meta package:
so KDE meta is:
Special editions meta:
so multimedia meta is:
Just to ensure everyone correctly install KDE, even if sparky do not have a package for it in the future, as a Debian direct derivation (that uses Debian as main repositories) Sparky users can always rely on it's packages, so here it is a KDE install guide for Debian version (no matter witch flavor you are, stable, testing or development):

Quote from: ElQuia on July 24, 2017, 11:00:12 PM
Will there be an 5.0 KDE edition? or should I download other destop iso like XFCE and add KDE to it?
Can you, please, edit the first message title and add [SOLVED] to the beginning of it, so others can benefit from this solution? Our whole community is thankful.
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Albert Einstein


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