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LXDE replaced by LXQt on Rolling Edition

Started by dhinds, July 16, 2017, 05:06:31 PM

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I see that you have replaced LXDE with LXQt on Sparky's Rolling Edition

I guess that means that development of LXQt has become the principle foundation of Hong Jen Yee's development efforts and you have long built on the LXDE DE for Sparky's principle distro version.

Ikey Doherty  has announced his intention to base Budgie on Qt also, and I assume there's a reason for it.

I'm going to give Sparky LXQt a try, then install the other Sparky extras on top of that.


That's right, no LXDE iso image of the rolling edition.
Still LXDE is available as stable edition iso, and can be installed on both stable and rolling systems via APTus or just apt.
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Quote from: pavroo on July 16, 2017, 05:43:23 PM
That's right, no LXDE iso image of the rolling edition.
Still LXDE is available as stable edition iso, and can be installed on both stable and rolling systems via APTus or just apt.

What is your own feeling about the difference?  Has LXQt gotten up to speed?  Is it ready (reliable enough) for solid use?

And do you agree that Qt has advantages over GTK as a toolkit?

The nice thing about modular systems like Xfce and the LX's is that they can be used together.

But which do you prefer most, at this point?


You can also install LXDE via "tasksel" (as root or via sudo).  But, yes I do like LXQT.  There will be occasional little glitches, but QT (for me) is such an established platform going back to Opera and Nokia days.
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Quote from: paxmark1 on July 17, 2017, 12:15:21 AM
... But, yes I do like LXQT.  There will be occasional little glitches, but QT (for me) is such an established platform going back to Opera and Nokia days.

What I would like to know more about is:

1.- The comparative advantages and disadvantages of GTK+ and Qt; and

2.- To what extent has the decision to branch LXDE into LXQt helped make the redundancies and incompatibilities fewer (which is IMO, the principle problem with GNU/Linux:  The division that lies between those two tool kits).

The maintenance of both LXDE and LXQt puts Hong Jen Yee ("PCMan") in a unique position to help resolve existing incompatibilities between GTK+ and Qt, make both more efficient and possibly combine them.

And of course pavroo also, since he too is an expert on applying and combining both.

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