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(Solved)Newb install questions and issues

Started by hammy, May 22, 2017, 07:03:34 AM

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So I decided to begin making the jump from Windows to Linux and tried to install Sparky 4.5 GameOver Edition on my computer. After issues with using an iso on a my usb, I decided to try making a DD usb using rufus instead of using the iso and it worked. I am currently using Sparky to type this out, I have done a system upgrade after figuring out the loop issue and am installing the meta package as I type this. Now here is the issue, I am currently using Sparky v4 Tyche somehow and I have no idea how that happened as I downloaded the GameOver edition using the source fourge downloader directly from the SparkyLinux website. I am also not sure if this is really that big of an issue. So my question would be "what is the performance difference between using Sparky GameOver edition vs using a Sparky GameOver edition meta package on top of Tyche?" Keep in mind I just installed this so it would be a bit of a pain to attempt to install GameOver Edition instead, but I would be willing if there is a performance difference.

Note: I have Windows 10 on the same Hard-Drive and am currently dual booting using grub, I believe I set up the partitions correctly, or at the very least an incorrect partition setup would not cause a version difference.

PS. The system clock is wrong but I think I just need to change the hardware clock and then use a command to set the software clock to be the same.


The system upgrade loop is known small issue, fixed already, but not shipped on the present iso images.
Simply upgrade:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sparky-aptus-upgrade

then run the upgrade tool normally.

Quotewhat is the performance difference between using Sparky GameOver edition vs using a Sparky GameOver edition meta package on top of Tyche?
No different, Sparky GameOver iso features all the tools and games installed by 'sparky-meta-game' meta package on a top of Sparky's default desktop.
The meta can be installed on the top of any desktop.

System clock can be fixed by:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
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