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APTus Broken?

Started by darko, March 23, 2017, 06:50:51 AM

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Hey, there!

I'm a Sparky newbie. I decided to install Sparky since I loved the idea of switching between desktop environments, and also of the Sparky OS itself. However, it seems that my APTus doesn't want to launch. I only executed it once to download another desktop environment; then, i decided to install another one till I find the one I prefer, but it doesn't want to launch. What could have broken the app? I tried complete uninstall/reinstall through Synaptic, but nothing works.

Any ideas?

Thank you for  your time.

UPDATE: OK. A reboot fixed the problem. I think a bug occurred since the Sparky has updated/upgraded a few times, and there were many tty sessions opened. Anyway, I think I won't be having any problems.


APTus is based on YAD and it uses an individual key to work.
If the app breaks up, the key is still in use and can't be used again to re-open the app.
The easy way to make it working back is re-booting as you did.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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