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cifs-utils package needed in ISO for SparkyLinux 4 5 3 Rescue x86_64

Started by BruceC, March 01, 2017, 10:48:10 PM

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cifs-utils package needed in ISO for SparkyLinux 4 5 3 Rescue x86_64

When Redo Backup software was recently added to SparkyLinux 4 5 3 Rescue, without the cifs-utils package Redo Backup will not be able to communicate to network storage.

To temporarily fix this issue you have to manually run commands in terminal ..
#apt-get update
#apt-get install cifs-utils

Then Redo Backup will be able to communicate using cifs to network storage locations and be able to save and restore backups from network file shares.

In the near future will the cifs-utils package be included in the ISO for "sparkylinux-4.5.3-x86_64.iso" or will users of SparkyLinux need to create their own custom ISO file and add the cifs-utils package ?


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