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Poor's Man Radio Player Application

Started by penguin, February 18, 2017, 02:09:07 PM

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Thanks to seppalta I found week ago Poor's Man Radio Player.

I added some radio stations under -181.FM Category (80's radio station).

Installing was done as suggested in follow page :

I had idea to do something more;displaying of lyrics for playing songs.I searched in google and found that this can be done in command line console.I tried but I did not concluded.The mos difficulty part for me was catching name of artist/song from sed command within PRMP script.
I will appreciate if some one is able to do it. Let's name it as : improvement of PMRP, that is a great application :).


The application is already debianized and available from Sparky repos.
If you'd like to contribute to the tool - I suggest to join the team on Github.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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