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Imagemagick Transition -

Started by paxmark1, January 01, 2017, 05:16:41 PM

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The imagemagick transitiion is happening in a period of time in testing that is supposed stop transitions.  However much of the transition is security related, so it moves forward, and might violate the (present part of freeze) 10 day holding pattern. Note , it should hopefully be a dull transition, but other programs have popped out and off and back on in sid, so check your dist-upgrades, have apt-listbugs installed, and everything should be fine.  It is a rush job around a holiday, things can happen. 

  To view the  transition from upstream

Background on the situation via planet debian, just the Imagemagick section, you can follow the links to see the security alerts

If a dist-upgrade wants to remove a program, you can check the transition page and /or check

peace out
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Thanks for heads up and links. :)
Unstable OpenBoxer


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