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Installation error

Started by marky, December 03, 2016, 07:11:14 PM

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Never mind.
This time I've succeeded by using mintstick USB image writer.


If you want to learn the Debian way
section How do I write a CD/DVD/BD image to a USB flash drive?

cp or dd is your friend. 

and then the section

How can I verify the downloaded ISO images and written optical media?
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


Installation of 4.5 32bit MATE non-pae is impossible for my samsung netbook. I've installed an older version of sparky and upgade it in "safe" upgrade, so I lost my dekstop :) After full dist-upgrade everything turns as expected with a 4.8.0-1-686-pae kernel.
I've also had to manually install gnome-system-tools (as mate-system-tools are discontinued). Discontinued is mate-bluetooth as well, and i had to replace it by blueman.
After that my netbook is sparky and happy :)

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