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SparkyLinux MinimalGUI and Editing Desktop Menu ...

Started by MakUr3X, November 19, 2016, 02:12:34 AM

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So, I have downloaded SparkyLinux 4.4 MinimalGUI as this is what I need. However, I need to edit a desktop menu , the one when you right click on the desktop and can choose from sub-category a different application to run. I have tried to edit:


None of those listed above worked when I changed them, even after restarting openbox, can someone help me here to edit the menu ?
I'm confused as hell since you normally edit xml file and it just work.

Any ideas ?
Thank You.


Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


So for someone who have the same problem as I do, I have simply generated static menu then I had 100% OpenBox menu so:
Advanced Settings -> Obmenu-generator -> Generate a static menu then Advanced Settings -> OpenBox -> Restart OpenBox and now I can freely edit ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml.

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