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The First Run of Sparky, kernels?

Started by Sebiale, December 23, 2016, 12:45:29 AM

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Finished installing, it's asking me to do the First Run, which is various upgrades.
All fine, except for the kernel bit. My understanding is that Sparky ships with the stable Debian kernel, but apparently Sparky also has its own kernels I can install instead.
The wiki doesn't cover this AFAIK, but what are the differences between the various unstable versions, and what's the advantage of using one of them over the base kernel? Got PAE, Non-PAE, and 64.


The best way is to make the upgrade, and no install additional kernel if you are not sure about that.

The kernels placed in sparky's unstable repos are the latest, stable versions of Linux kernel build myself to provide as new as possible.
686- PAE is targeted to machines with more that 4GB of RAM and multi core CPU's.
686 is targeted to older machines.
amd64 for 64 bit CPU's only.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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