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remote desktop control

Started by panchoponchos, October 30, 2016, 10:30:36 AM

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I would like to activate remote desktop to access from ubuntu to sparky. I installed vnc4server and tightvncserver but I cannot access to my computer yet... could you give me some hint on how to doing it? I think it should be easy but I already have spend hours on it and I cannot find documentation on sparky to do that... thanks.


If it has been hours and still no luck, you could try "ssh -X  user@192.168........   ".

It has to be a capitol X

Then type in a program, such as geany and you have one gui program running.

It is not as powerful or elegant, but is what I occasionally use between two linux machines on a home network.  I have not learned vnc. 
peace out

Note - I checked back in. 

"apt-cache show xtightvncviewer"

It appears that you may have installed two vnc Servers.  Possibly the combination of xtightvncviewer and tightvncserver would work.  Or conversely - a viewer for vnc4server - however vnc4server appears to only have binaries for sid and stable.

This is the time close to freeze when programs with rc bugs are started to be weeded out.  A quick look at the change logs on the Debian package site is always a clue as to how well supported a program is. 

Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.

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