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Greetings from Wisconsin, USA

Started by n1ksn, October 01, 2016, 09:38:39 PM

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Hello, everyone.

I've been using SparkyLinux 4.4 Xfce for a few weeks now.  It is set up in a dual boot with a Debian Stable Xfce installation on an HP Pavilion G6 (bought used and beat up in a pawnshop).  My intention was to have the Debian Stable as my primary OS and use the partition that Sparky is in to distro-hop.  However, after a bad experience updating Manjaro I installed Sparky and found that I like it very much.  In the last couple of days I've installed a basic version of i3 (not the nice Sparky i3 version that uses i3blocks) along side Xfce to experiment with a tiling window environment more oriented toward the keyboard.  I like this, but it is easier to use a mouse when there is a small Chihuahua sitting in my lap.  ;-> 

This laptop is mainly used for web surfing, simple games, playing music files, streaming radio stations, viewing Youtube videos, and playing with Linux.  As far as customization goes, I use Music on Console for music and streaming audio, Streamtuner 2 to find radio station streams, and Smtube with a VLC back end for Youtube.  VLC is also a backup for music and streaming.  I use Ranger for most file browsing and am learning vim for most text editing.  (I really like Ranger's file preview feature.)  Besides Firefox I have Dillo and w3m for browsers.  I've set my default terminal emulator to uxterm.  I use conky to display basic system activity.

Well, that's an idea of my setup here in northeast Wisconin.  I'm tempted to remove Xfce completely and go with i3 only, but I need to run i3 more to be certain I like it.  I guess it's more of a mouse vs. keyboard thing and I don't have strong feelings either way.

Cheers to all,
Andy N1KSN

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