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[Solved] LibreOffice removal

Started by eesh, September 14, 2016, 11:49:21 AM

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I want to install Apache OpenOffice instead of LibreOffice.
apt-get remove libreoffice* gives:

apt-listchanges: APT_HOOK_INFO_FD environment variable is incorrectly defined
(Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::InfoFD should be greater than 2).
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/apt-listchanges --apt || test $? -ne 10 returned an error code (1)
E: Failure running script /usr/bin/apt-listchanges --apt || test $? -ne 10

How can I remove LibreOffice?

*update: A system upgrade along with APTus-Fix Broken solved this problem.


Of course you can install or uninstall any office suite you like. This is Linux after all  ;)
But OpenOffice's future is a bit unclear right now: http://lwn.net/Articles/699047/
Tower and Notebook: Sparky (testing) 64bit MATE


what does

"apt remove -s libreoffice*" 

show?   ##  the -s switch runs a simulation but does not actually proceed with the actions. 

Silly other question - you are running

"apt-get remove libreoffice*"     as  root or via sudo  - right?

Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


Quote from: paxmark1 on September 15, 2016, 05:45:32 AM
what does

"apt remove -s libreoffice*" 

show?   ##  the -s switch runs a simulation but does not actually proceed with the actions. 

Silly other question - you are running

"apt-get remove libreoffice*"     as  root or via sudo  - right?



I was looking at a hunch.  Looks like you would lose way more than libreoffice. 

It would not hurt to look at

"apt-get -s remove libreoffice"      ##  libreoffice is the metapackage 

As py-thon above, my opinion is in the long run you will like libreoffice more than openoffice - but linux means you have choices. 

Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


Previously written comments are pretty sustainable! You should check one of them and try following the instructions. Hope you will have your problem solved. Otherwise use this link to be transferred directly to one of the developer sites. They should help you out.


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