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Sparky Aptus Make System Backup not installing SOLVED

Started by GaryB, September 06, 2016, 06:13:58 PM

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I get the "Something is wrong" window. It's been like that for several days now.


Well, if you start it via the command line, you might get some error messages to cut and past  into a post and mark it up as code. 
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


I get

"something is wrong!
Probably you have stopped the installation or the repository server is down.
Otherwise check your internet connection, refresh package list and try again.

I didn't stop the installation
my internet connection is fine
I refreshed the package list using aptus.


Do it in an old school way, means i a terminal emulator:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sparky-backup-sys

and let me know is fine, please.

Hold on, what backup apps you'd like to install: sparky backup sys or sparky backup apps?

There were 2 spelling issues, that's why the APT coudn't install the app.
Refresh package list and install the latest version of 'sparky-aptus-extra' package to resolve it:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sparky-aptus-extra

Then try to install the backup tool via APTus again.
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Thanks that fixed it.
I'm heading over to the donation page, best Linux distro ever.

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