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Icedove integrating a gmail account bug. SOLVED

Started by GaryB, September 03, 2016, 12:34:58 AM

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I'm trying to integrate a gmail account into icedove. When I put in the name, email address & password I get to the "done" button and when I press it I get a "enter credentials" window, I've done this many times before successfully but now the window comes up completely blank so I cannot verify with gmail to accept the icedove login. Any ideas what's changed? I'm using the latest Sparky download.


The icedove close up itself so it make me angry.
Can you download thunderbird from the project page and check is the issue exist there too?
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Yes Thunderbird displayed the page so I could finish the process.


Because I installed it manually the program does not show in the menu, is there some way to get it in?


I see that Thunderbird can be installed through Synaptic, so I did that and Thunderbird is now pinned to Favorites.

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