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Can't reinstall efi grub with dual boot

Started by DannyinColorado, August 27, 2016, 12:42:00 AM

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Hi Friends,
I dual booted Sparky with Arch uefi and it worked excellent. Then I  cloned the system with clonezilla . Reinstalled to formatted drive and Sparky would not boot. Arch booted OK. But no Sparky  :'(. Tried to reinstall grub to efi but
no success. Any help would be appreciated very much.


OK friends I figured it out for those who might have the same issue.
1-Boot Grub Rescue disk  (Can find on web for iso)
2- Click on "Search for boot options"
3- Select Sparky
4- After Sparky boots up open terminal
5-  sudo mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi   (sda1 is my efi) This could already be mounted
6-  sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi (sometimes this fails so go to next command)
7-sudo grub-install /dev/sda1
8- sudo update-grub ( this can take a few minutes , so wait for it ) after you get a command prompt.
shutdown and reboot

There might be easier ways ,but this worked 2 times when reinstalling clone system

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