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Sparky Linux text magnifier

Started by colonel, August 11, 2016, 03:40:21 PM

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I remember in Win10 one had to press the windows logo and plus to immediately get the magnifier. Any such  combo in Linux? :)


If you have a package installed to magnify the screen you can set the key combination to (almost) whatever you would like, it does depend on your DE on how you set this though, I am using lxqt and I just have to edit my rc.xml file and add the information there, most DE's have a GUI app for this so a lot of the time editing files is not necessary.


Thanks Dai appreciate your help Sadly that was all french to me as I'm a total newbie :P


Ok, we'll start with some basics, what version of Sparky are you using? that is, what desktop environment do you have?


Hi Dai
Thanks for your patience was busy with other things. Back to your question I am using Sparky Linux 4 or "Tyche" as they call it.


Have the xfce version with windows manager xfwm4


I have looked through the repositories and can only see two screen magnifier packages,
1. xzoom This is the simplest one I can see and it works on my machine
2. kmag This is designed for KDE desktop really and will install a lot of other packages (dependencies) when it installs.
They both seem to work in a similar fashion, and will open a window for you to see the zoomed screen area, kmag has the option to follow your mouse as it moves which would probably be more desirable. You can install either (or both) using synaptic package manager, of from the command line with...
sudo apt-get install xzoom
for zxoom, and...
sudo apt-get install kmag
for kmag.
Once installed you can start them from a terminal window, or check in the menu for an option, on my LXQT installation they are under Universal Access and are "kmag" and "Screen Magnifier"
Once you have them installed and you get them working I can advise you on setting up a key combination to start them.
If there is anything you are unsure of please feel free to ask, I was new to this once and know how difficult some things can be to start with :)


 ;D ;D ;D Wow thanks Dai your advice worked wonders more with my mind n also with Sparky. Btw I've switched to Gameover. Yes another question I notice that the words are very small and has me bending over and peering mostly esp for the Hearts game where invariably I click on the wrong card ;D . Any way I can see and work with Sparky Gameover with a convenient font size of say 13 to 15?


I'm sure the font size would be configurable somewhere although I'm not sure exactly where to find it on Gameover, I am only using LXQT at the moment, and there are options in Menu->Preferences->LXQT settings->Appearance then select font from the sidebar and then adjust to your preference, I would imagine it would be in a similar place on most systems.

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