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No right clic menu on Plasma after todays dist upgrade [SOLVED]

Started by ElQuia, July 07, 2016, 12:05:34 AM

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OK, did a dist upgrade (I am on testing) today after what I beleive is the upgrade to final plasma 5.7 or someting. First problem or item:

I lost right clic menu, no menu, no reaction at all, either on desktop or on taskbar


Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Yes, it´s a kde (plasma) thing, on lxqt DT right clic works ok,
btw, in plasma, in file manager or main menu, right clic (contextual menu) works OK, it's just on desktop and "taskbar" that it does not


This is not about the right click. but about KDE

In a day or two maybe also coming to KDE, it hit unstable a bit ago - this was mentioned on Planet Debian


A running commentary of how it is playing out in unstable.


LXQT unaffected. 

peace out.
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Paxmark1, that means that I (we) just have to "wait out" futher ugrades in testing repos and "right click" on the "desktop" should be back?  ::)


Right click, I do not know, I'm on lxqt.  My not very educated guess on the kdepim in general is that it is a balancing act, what portions of kde to let forward, and what to wait on.   Hopefully most of the problems will be found as it has started landing in unstable, but some bugs will probably get through if you use KDE for your contacts, email, etc. 

The right click is probably not due to the kdepim but another portion of the basics of KDE.  I haven't seen anything on #debian-next.  Peace out.
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


Well another dist upgrade, same non result: "right click" on "desktop" and taskbar does not work, (it DOES on file managers, etc)

:( :o :(


OK, lots of dist-upgrades, still no "right click" ....  :'(



SOLVED, after a distupg I did yesterday, right click menu working again

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