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Tapety dla nowego wydania Sparkiego / Wallpapers for new Sparky

Started by Barti, March 27, 2017, 10:51:08 PM

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Zrobiłem kilka tapet na pulpit z myślą o nowym wydaniu Sparkiego, jeśli jakieś się spodobają, proszę użyć śmiało. Wszystkie 28 prac zawarte w linkach poniżej, udostępniam na licencji CC ZERO 4.0 PL :D

I made some wallpapers for the new release of Sparky, if you like it, please use it boldly. I release all 28 wallpapers under CC ZERO 4.0 PL licensing :D


Pozdrawiam Barti :)


Thank's a lot, I will pick a few and use them to the next 5.x release as an option.
Downloading from the zippy-something needs an account :(
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I tested this site and could download it normally. Maybe you don't have ublock enabled. Try again, it can be advertisement. If you don't succeed, I will send you by email. I'm happy that you will use it in Sparky.   :D


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