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E21 theme

Started by Agust, June 17, 2016, 10:40:03 AM

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Hi , this theme is which I use, and I would like to share with you.
Basically it is the default theme of E, but customized to my liking, I hope you like.

User e16/ e17/e18/e19/e20/e21/e22 ...............


Thanks Agust,
nice work will download,
OH ;)


Hey!!!! Steve , I am happy to hear from you!.
Are you currently doing? I have been told that I was doing a version of E for Fedora.
You are welcome!!

User e16/ e17/e18/e19/e20/e21/e22 ...............


Hi Agust,  :D
hope your well.
Yes I did a basic a fedora 24 generic 64 bit remix iso of e20, for myself, it has other repos enabled,
fedora are strict, so wouldn't ever be an approved fedora the way it is.
I was told it would be worth while trying to learn the basics of using livecd creator and kickstart files,
thankfully people on irc chat gave me help, as I was quite lost.
You are welcome to download and try it if your interested,
It was a lot of work, so different from using mylivecd
It has some problems, but over all quite pleased with it.
I tried remastering on a few other distro's but had no luck, too complicated for me.
Imagine efl 1.18.0 will be out soon with the merge of elm and emotion and evas generic.
I have it built on a git installed system, but not put on any iso.
I have not tried sparky linux yet, but if it is very easy to remaster I may try making an enlightenment iso.
Best wishes,
OH (Steve)
(P.s I tried to send you a private message, but was unable having tried many times, maybe it is just too complicated for me, also the horrible listen version failed to work for me as well)

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