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using synaptic, adding non-free etc

Started by mrwaistcoat, December 07, 2015, 09:54:28 AM

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I've just installed the new 64bit gaming edition.  I've used various buntus for about 5 years, this is my first dip into Debian

Noticed compiz isn't in synaptic.  Do I need to do something to enable non-free?  Is there an idiots guide somewhere along the lines of "things to do after installing debian"?

Am I correct that this is a rolling edition, do I need to update regularly?    Is this stable or testing?

Is there a list of extra repositaries I can safely add?

One final question...Steam is working fine....but it does give an error message when it starts telling me it's not the latest version, then I have to press enter but all seems fine. I don't get this as I can see steam repo is enabled in synaptic

Many thanks


Testing, and this is not during a freeze.

Testing is not as rocky a boat as unstable-sid, but command line might be very useful one day for you

First check your /etc/apt/sources.list to see if contrib and non-free are present.  aptitude search comiz for me yields nothing.  Use search engines for  the rest of the compiz story. 

I do not know how you define regularly for an upgrade.  You will need to dist-upgrade (as in apt-get dist-upgrade or use sparky's aptus "Upgrade the system" or aptitude) at least once a week.  Your residence now is where the ubuntu alpha and betas and release candidates come from. 

Repos - check out /etc/apt/sources.list.d  files. 

To be bluntly honest, there is no easier way to totally fubar your system than to be adding a bunch of repositories, especially ubuntu ones.   Hang out in #debian-next or search "Don't Break Debian"  You are 5 days away from Sid.  If you cannot get it via a .deb and really need it, learn to compile from source. 

Steam, I do not know much about. 

Read the Testing section of the Debian Wiki, much more will be revealed.  Say good-bye to backports.  Enjoy Sparky. 
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.

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