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new apt 1.1.3 pinning and also less output

Started by paxmark1, December 06, 2015, 03:41:47 PM

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I did not see or hear much problems with the new improved apt, apt-get , aptitude, etc.  in Sid-unstble.  I noticed much less output on the screen after apt-get dist-upgrade of those programs in sid and now also here in sparky. 

In the dist-upgrade it will warn of the new defaults for apt- pinning.  If you do have a few or lots of programs "pinned" to specific versions you might want to investigate more before you dist-upgrade.  In general, in testing and sid, whenever you see programs involved in the upgrade process being upgraded, it is good to check out the debian bug pages for those programs. 

My opinion is a strong round of applause to the Debian APT Development Team. 
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


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