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Conffiles get overwritten without warning on upgrades

Started by vonZim, October 07, 2015, 06:16:16 AM

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1. Is this expected behavior?

2. Is there some global policy or configuration I can change to make handling of conffiles more like standard Debian?

The reason I ask is I think this is the only Debian based distro that I have ever tried that handles config files this way during upgrades. Ubuntu, Mint, vanilla Debian and Debian based, whether based on Stable, Testing or Sid, all tend to pause during upgrades when dpkg flags certain conffiles for user interaction before proceeding. Then the user is given choices like "keep,"  "replace," "view differences," etc. Having dpkg work the way I'm more familiar with might save some users from certain problems such as this one:,3256.0.html

If the user had been notified of the changes to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and given the chance to keep the old conffile it probably would be better for the user IMO. Off the top of my head, /etc/pulse/daemon.conf is another file I don't want modified by upgrades but with Sparky, I would have to keep a list of conffiles that I would have to go back and edit after upgrades or would have to try and find them later with #sudo debsums -ce. :(

This is my second day trying out this distro and other than certain conffiles being replaced by default with no warning I'm liking what I'm seeing. Not having interaction choices with conffiles during upgrades could be a deal breaker for me. Any comments, tips or suggestions would be appreciated.



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