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recovering software script

Started by mihail_bc, September 03, 2015, 08:08:56 PM

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hey, nice work

how about a some data recovery software, or even better a script made on top of some cli data recovery programs to recover lost data?


Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


like ddrescue, foremost...

I remember using something without interface, cli only, cant really tell right now, I am a bit tired,

I wanted to recover all my files and it was very hard to use it,

I had to tell for instance the date in Unix time :) wtf? :)

and had to calculate weird stuff like that, and wasnt the only issue... I hope to remember the name and post it here, but I think you get my grip...

also Ive noticed Sparky hasnt this type off category: recovering data... it would be usefull I think.


Quotelike ddrescue
There is ddrescue GUI preinstalled already.

Quotecategory: recovering data
I put all the recovering data stuff to "Disk" category, but can be changed.

Thank's for your suggestions.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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