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Alternative to the E19 Filemanager?

Started by Wh1sper, August 19, 2015, 08:56:10 AM

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The default Filemanager is nice, really nice.
But it lacks a detail mode for display all the information for the files and directories like almost all other filemanagers do.
Ok I know the delayed popup when hovering the mous over a file, nice and shiny but not the thing I would like.
I tried a lot of Options in the menu of the filemanager.
Is there an option which I didn't found? I really like a display which show a complete listing of attributes.

Installing nemo (my favorite) is not a preferred option because of the huge dependencies.
Next to optimal is installing gnome-commander which is the midnight-commander look alike twin.
Also xfe is a nice thing.
Any other filemanager I did miss which I should try?


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