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wifi tools not installed during install? all sorted thank you :)

Started by rafkid, August 18, 2015, 09:25:20 AM

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Hello. I installed Sparky thanks to the LinuxFormat write up. I had my wired ethernet cable plugged in during the install and also my D-Link usb dongle was plugged in. Wired eth0 works. My wifi is not recognised however. There were not tool or tabs to see the usb dongle in "Network". I searched the web and installed wireless tools. Tabs for wireless appeared in "Network".; My home wifi network is not visible and the usb dongle does not appear when I run lspci | grep Network in a terminal. What is the package name for the wifi tools that were missed during the install do you think? I am used to my wifi working on virtually any linux during install so I am a bit lost. I am comfortable installing packages by cli using sudo apt-get install "package name" but don't know where to start with this as my second and third punts at researching the topic for myself failed. There appears to be some confusion on my install between what is available as root and what is available as a user - ifconfig does not work as the user but does as root. Grateful for a hint as to how to resolve this.

Very nice implementation of Mate and debian - reminiscent of early Ubuntu on steroids from about 2007 :)

And lo - without any intervention from me that I understand the wireless tools suddenly started to show me my SSID's and I could connect via wifi. No idea how that occurred. Very many thanks for attempting to help. I really appreciate it.



Hi. Basically the ifconfig tools should not be visible to a normal user. If any distro makes it like that, then it's a potential security issue. As for your dongle, as it's not shown by ifconfig, then it's probably more of a "driver module not being loaded" issue, than a missing package (it's named wireless-tools, as to answer your previous question). You might want to do something like this:

1. Unplug the dongle and reboot (fresh start).
2. Run "dmesg" from the terminal to get the basic device log output.
3. Plug in the dongle and wait a couple of seconds.
4. Run "dmesg" again and see if anything changed.

You might want to paste the output of the second "dmesg" here, so we can see if the device is being initialized properly. :)

EDIT: "ipconfig --all"... too much Windows network problem solving lately. ;)
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)

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