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scan && rotate

Started by carlo, August 13, 2015, 12:46:25 PM

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hi all
this is my summer issue:
i own a laserjet multifunction etc by hp, which i use to scan from adf as well:
alas the outcome is always a bit rotated (say some 5 degrees anticlockwise), so i was googling around for any command line solution and i've come across this one  where a guy suggests using Tex:
actually to me it rotates the single pages, but happens to zoom on a part of it rather than rotate its content

i was wondering if anyone help me honing the Tex thing, or there's any looseless workaround (like converting pdf to ps or jpg and rotate or so) or if there's any script which would accept input file and rotation degrees as arguments and give me a pdf output

not sure if i've been clear enough, however this is what i'd like to do (i'd love to use command line because it looks much quicker than any graphic method) is:

hp-scan .... temp.pdf && manipulate temp.pdf && mv temp.pdf propername.pdf

hope i've been clear enough

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