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Upgrade and Clean with ONE command - Package: upgrade-system (

Started by GeneC, June 11, 2015, 04:02:25 PM

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I have found this to be the simplist way to keep upgraded, PLUS is cleans the cache, AND removes all 'orphaned' packages with one command.

the package is in the repos... (upgrade-system)

I have used it with no issues on several distros for years, BUT be advised watch what orphans it removes, and you will have no surprises.
IF you do compiling and have lots of '*.dev files.  IT WILL see those as orphans and remove them.  This will not hurt your system, but you will need to re-install some ot them when compiling next.

gene@sparky:~$ apt-cache policy upgrade-system
  Version table:
*** 0
        500 http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ testing/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Details (upgrade-system)
Package: upgrade-system (
command for upgrading and sanitizing a Debian system

Upgrade-system offers a convenient way to keep a Debian system up-to-date, yet free from accumulated cruft such as obsolete libraries.

It is particularly useful on systems that mix packages from different releases (stable/testing/unstable) and on desktop systems where packages are frequently installed or removed according to evolving user tastes.

By default, it is configured to purge all packages that are not listed as another package's dependency. Less drastic settings are possible by editing /etc/upgrade-system.conf(5).

The command to launch is:
sudo upgrade-system

I find it easiest to launch from "CliCompanion"


Hi GenC,
if you use synaptic, it is not necessary to work with ugrade-system, all functions are included in synaptic.
It is just the opposite, because the pinned packages in synaptic will be ignored!
btw,  "Sparky APTus Upgrade lets you upgrade the system", does the same.

Friendly regards  ;)


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