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Message after apt-get dist-upgrade

Started by Slyvester, June 29, 2015, 09:55:57 AM

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Hi Depico,

I think you made a point and your advise about using the right repos is very interesting. Why don't you open a new topic regarding this particular matter ? We would get some other points of view from other users (like Moros or 12togo, just to name of few of the regular posters). I read the topics  of this forum every day but don't really go for asking questions. Please, do that !

Thanking you in advance.


Hi Slyvester,
I don`t know if it is really needed, because it is a generally thread by using Linux.
There are different positions. Is it really important to get those updates from this repo deb http://security.debian.org/ ..../updates main contrib non-free , when you are a desktop user ??
Most security updates are only very important for server and not for desktop.
Linux isn`t like WIN, most folks do forget this point. The biggest security problem is sitting in front of the screen !!!
I have running my own LTS-test with some outdated distros.
One of them is from 2006 "dapper drake" (Ubuntu), only Firefox, Thunderbird and some other apps are updated and the system is running since 2006 without any security issues.
Maybe you will never get the ideal assistance at this point.

Cheers  ;)

Oops something forgotten. Here https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/ do you find all important infos.


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