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using non unix auth with sparky tools such as update [Solved]

Started by crypto, June 07, 2015, 08:20:02 AM

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So fist i have to tell about my set up so someone can either direct me to ask in the right place, or know where i am to place the code..

So I do not use unix auth at all, i use pam usb only..... So when i go to run one of the sparky tools i get   

Failed to run /usr/bin/sparky-aptus-upgrade as user root.

Failed to communicate with gksu-run-helper.

* Device "ADkey" is connected (good).
* Performing one time pad verification...

While expecting:
gksu: waiting

Now i remeber seeing code that i could find again that was for gksu and pam usb ... i think it omitted the pam usb lines from the "password"

So the question is Where would i put that code to correct the above issue?

Or where should i be asking ?



Change "remsu" for what you need:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Great, that was way easier than i thought it was going to be


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