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Trying SparkyLinux

Started by murilo, May 31, 2015, 01:20:06 AM

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Being a widow from CrunchBang (after being a user for more that five years), finding SparkyLinux was a pleasent surprise.

It is fast, lightweight and I can customize it to my liking. And the best of it, it cames with the same OpenBox, Conky and is also based on Debian.

I did a VM on VirtualBox with SparkyLinux - OpenBox - 32 bits to run my try out period. But after the end of the first day I had acomplished a lot. I downloaded SparkyLinux, created the VM, updated it and installed a bunch of stuff. And it seems to be going just fine. No problems.
I'm planning to install in my computer the 64 bits version.

If things keep going this way I guess I found myself a distro to replace my copy of CrunchBang.

Keep the good things coming.
Long life to SparkyLinux!!!

ps: I forgot how to customize the OpenBox floating menu, and a quick search in the forum gave me the answer.


Glad you like it. Hope to hearing from you how did the installation go. Any feedback is good. :)
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)

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