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Modification of the "bar" of sparkylinux xfce

Started by akorx, May 20, 2015, 09:52:58 PM

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Hi my friend,

First sorry for my very bad english, I'm french  :-\ .

I come from Linux Mint (LMDE with cinnamon) where this "bar" in the midlle down that we can see on sparkylinux does not exist...

So :

1. What is her name?
2. Why there no color on it?
3. Where can we modify her configuration ?

Don't laught at me  :P I'm a newbie on sparkylinux !!!!!


Don't worry about your English, mine is not very well too :)
The bottom panel is called Wbar which is installed via two packages: 'wbar' and 'wbar-config'.
There is no color, because it uses transparent file as a background.
It can be configure via the second package, which you will find in Menu-> Accessories-> Wbar Config
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