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3.6 system upgrader via terminator on panel, fails due to authentication

Started by galen, May 13, 2015, 04:40:53 PM

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I'm not sure if this has been reported but I think a sticky post should be made for those upgrading 3.6 LXDE.

the terminator upgrade will attempt & fail to complete the updates due to some of the packages not being authenticated.
I suggest that future [4.0] system upgrade includes,
a pause at the end of script so users can see the error,
install the authentication keys first then do update sources etc..

for users upgrading 3.6 for the first time should update via the terminal,
then they can say yes to trust unauthenticated programs
XMPP: galen@jabber.at  Twitter: in limbo   [email]godfree2@mastodon.social[/email]
Secular Humanist, progressive, antifa, goodness without godness


Yes, the first upgrade of Sparky 3.6 should be done via a terminal.
Sparky 3.6 has been released 5 mount ago so many changes happend.
The problem with terminator will be solved automatically during upgrading:
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