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SpaceFM vs PCmanFM

Started by Lizbeth, April 28, 2015, 11:42:43 AM

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Pcmanfm doesnt seem to let me show the partitions of other distros installed on my hard drive in spite of click the check box to show other devices. 

Spacefm on the otherhand showed them no problem.  The disadvantage of spacefm is that it doesnt show the applications menu.

So now i have two file managers.

just putting that out to the universe...


and pcmanfm doesnt allow selection of files by pattern spacefm does


I was thinking about changing pcmanfm to spacefm in openbox and jwm spins but never did it.
I will give it to try now.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


im not meaning to pressure you.  I need to learn how to do some of these things if im going to be of use to the linux community.


I've experienced spacefm with other distros and did not like it;  pcmanfm is far superior in my opinion.  Pcmanfm has always shown Microsodt Windows partitions and other operating system partitions on my computers.  That is how I recover data from blown-up systems.  There is now even a recipe (that works) for putting back "open-as-root" in pcmanfm.  It appears the developer is currently very active (recent addition of "dual pane" view, etc) and sensitive to user desires.


I also tried spacefm because I missed the simultaneous display of directories' tree and devices in pcmanfm.
But I switched back to pcmanfm immediately because the navigation in the tree structure with keys does not work at all in spacefm, while it works perfectly in pcmanfm.
To switch quickly between tree and devices view I use ctrl+7 and ctrl+6, and I don't have any problem at all with this. Working navigation in the directories' tree is the most important feature of a file manager for me, and pcmanfm is the only file manager where it really works.


Well maybe the error is just on my machine because im using 4.0 rc that i installed from but it seems like the partitions and drives isnt showing under devices and when i try to open a device (it only show the harddrive not the partitions) i get an error and it won't display it in pcmanfm.  I'm sure pcmanfm can do this but it isnt in my sparky installs.   I would be happy if it did.  Happier still if it allowed selection by pattern.  I'm sure there is a way to do these things in pcmanfm i hust dont know it. 


SpaceFM also has a very good file searching subapplication, but I use both and have a lot of partitions of various types but have had no problems with either.


Quote from: seppalta on April 29, 2015, 04:09:17 AM
I've experienced spacefm with other distros and did not like it;  pcmanfm is far superior in my opinion.  Pcmanfm has always shown Microsodt Windows partitions and other operating system partitions on my computers.  That is how I recover data from blown-up systems.  There is now even a recipe (that works) for putting back "open-as-root" in pcmanfm.  It appears the developer is currently very active (recent addition of "dual pane" view, etc) and sensitive to user desires.

The developer is the developer of LXDE & LXQT


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