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A stable sparky-like edition

Started by jidan, September 14, 2016, 05:36:20 PM

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We all happy users of sparky enjoy the rolling testing edition as we found it more exciting. But we are mostly experienced users so we can make a roll-back or a workarround to bypass some issues occured by testing updates.
But what happens when we have to advice someone else, less experienced user in order to choose a distro?
We mostly suggest one of the most popular ubuntu-based distros ar a clean-cut stable debian installation, right?

Recently a friend asked me for "a crazy-linux" installation for his netbook, "just like mine", for media use. I explained him that my installation of Sparky Linux is based on testing version and i dont think he's ready for that.
But he insisted, so I installed him a stable 32bit debian version with Lightdm, MATE and Sparky tools from the repo. Of course I used the ultra-flat icons and the look of Sparky MATE. My friend is more than happy with his new installation.

I used jessie repos for everything,, sparky repos for its tools and some 3rd party repos for stable debian version. APTus, APTus extra, Sparky backup tools and sparky desktop components.
I added also some media packets, kodi, vlc, peerflix, torrentsearch and webtorrent. Some helpfull non-free applications like skype and teamviewer are also present. Firefox ESR with the latest (beta) flash plugin but no icedove or any other mail client as he doesnt need it.
There is no update application included. I will update the system later (using apt) or maybe I will include the sparky updater to update from the stable debian and sparky repos.
Acctually the system is not a "Franken debian" because all its packets come from stable debian repos and sparky.
Everything works as expected and my friend is happy.
Of course I kept a live iso from this strange "stable sparky edition" for such cases, which I could share if somebody asks for it.

Maybe a more sofisticated stable Sparky edition from its developers, a "Golden Sparky" will be interesting for some users.


The Sparky's Debian stable edition is in plans, we had a long discus on our Facebook's group's page about that.
It probably will be done next year, when Debian "Stretch" become stable, so I will copy and revert one "full" edition and the minimalgui edition to be used stable repos.
It's wasting time to make the stable edition from stretch now, no really time for that.

Anyway, it doesn't make any change with present line of Sparky based on 'testing' repos.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel
Join #sparkylinux.org at [url="//irc.libera.chat"]irc.libera.chat[/url]


That means I'm not the only one with this idea,
"Sparking" Jessie works like a charm with 4.6 kernel, I'm sure Stretch will be fine as the base of our first Sparky stable edition :D


Yes a Sparky (debian stable base) can be a very interesting . But I would add the posibility of include  the testing repositories for those cases where an user need more updated specific applications. This would be great!


This is a very good idea, then it will be possible to take a Sparky break from testing/unstable when things go  really ::) But not if it steals attention from the ordinary testing release of course. It should not, I mean when stable is released it will just stay that way without any trouble. And if there should be trouble,  I am sure that it will not be anything big and dealt with.

One question though, is the plan to release all the flavors, or just cherry pick one or two? Or is it too early for such details? :)
Unstable OpenBoxer


Sparky based on upcoming Debian stable "Stretch" should be released after Stretch become stable.
I think about one "full/home" edition and a minimal as well.
Then we will see how much is popular to think about others editions of the stable line.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel
Join #sparkylinux.org at [url="//irc.libera.chat"]irc.libera.chat[/url]


Thanks pavroo, appreciate it. That sounds reasonable.

Exciting times ahead of us. :)
Unstable OpenBoxer


Many thanks pavroo for that: https://sparkylinux.org/sparky-news-20161229/
I've checked sparky-apt 3-20161229-1 in 64 and 32bit jessie-sparky installations and it works like a charm! I just had to force sparky-apt 3-20161229-1 instead of v.4* and keeps base-files or downgrading if needs.
I've also changed my repos from "jessie" to "stable" so, I have a full-rolling still stable sparky distro :)

*For those using jessie 64, I'd suggest to give a try to 4.7.0 kernel from jessie backports repos, I'm using it for a long time (in sparky-stable) and I think it worths.

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