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Sparky KDE

Started by pavroo, April 12, 2015, 04:48:28 PM

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I've been playing with KDE on my desktop, it's just an experiment.
It's KDE 4 from Jessie repos with my changes (theme, icons, wallpaper).
On 32 bit system, KDE uses only 330 MB of RAM.
Who said that KDE has to be heavyweight and slow :) ?

Full size:

I have too many partitions and vbox images, the screen is about 32 bit system.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Yesterday I was thinking about KDE Sparkylinux and today you came up with what you were toying before. I remember you did say about it and thanks for bringing it again. This time you are close to let us/me try. Thanks.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


I was a fan of KDE 3 (and GNOME 2) before so I'll try to give it one more chance.
I made many cosmetic changes comparing to vanilla Debian (sparky touch), but have to make debs to have control over them in a case of future fixing.
Hope it is worth of the time I spent already :)
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


There are 3 more shots of KDE spin I've been still playing with.
By honest leaving your opinion. :)

Full one:

Full one:

Full one:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I think you will be more and more happy to integrate Trinity in debian testing based Sparkylinux. Trinity is not available for testing, only for debian stable and you already know it. There was a time when I used Q4OS which has trinity and trinity was awesome, lightweight and faster and has all the kde looks.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Trinity is available for Debian stable.
It is available for Jessie now, because Jessie will be stable very soon.
After upgrading the packages in Debian testing repos, TDE can lose compatibility with the testing base.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Re: Sparky KDE is simply awesome

Just now I finished downloading Sparkylinux KDE 4.0 RC x86-64 and burned it to USB-pendrive and booted, currently browsing internet and posting in Sparkylinux.org/forum using the same.

It's awesome. It's fast and very responsive.

Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.



KDE consumes 538 MB RAM. Okay for 2 GB RAM Dual core Laptop and 100% No to 1 GB RAM Dual core Desktop.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Right now I'm installing KDE latest and full on laptop from this deb file instead of using any command or synaptic package manager

Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


The new KDE DE takes 380 MB RAM without browser being launched. 32 bit with PAE latest liquorix kernel
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Right now Sparkylinux KDE 4.0 RC x86-64 is being installed on my Laptop and I'm thinking that I should have downloaded 32 bit iso. I will keep you posted of updates if there are any problems whatsoever.

Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


gdebi and camera viewer are missing
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Gdebi-kde always finish its work with a bug message. Have you seen that too?
Is a reason to install Gdebi (gtk)?

I put camera viewer tome list, thanks.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


gdebi-kde installed without any problems. Normally google chrome deb is enough but, when I installed it using gdebi-kde it installed the deb file and also downloaded few very small files from the internet meaning to install googlechrome you must have internet.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


It's nothing about internet.
Any package I have installed using gdebi-kde finished with a problem message.
I tested in on virtual machine only, mayby this is a problem, have to re-check.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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