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Some icons missing on iBar e19

Started by thelynx, March 30, 2015, 06:08:56 AM

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Hi there,

I'm running E19 on Sparky (Debian8) .

My iBar has all the icons showing correctly except Galculator, Catfish and Thunar. When I put the cursor over Thunar, the Thunar icon flashes, but only if the cursor is over it.  For Galculator and Catfish, there is no icon at all. 

I thought maybe the cache was corrupted, so I deleted  ~ /.cache/efreet and rebooted, but that didn't work.

So then I did a bit more digging and found all three icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/. and the path to each is correct under the Properties, so I don't understand why it isn't working.

Does anyone have any idea what might solve this problem? 

Thanks in advance.

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