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[SOLVED] "Not authorized to perform operation"

Started by Christoffer, March 28, 2015, 09:31:49 PM

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Today, I downloaded and installed SparkyLinux with the Budgie desktop onto my computer. So far, I am very satisfied. It's a good looking system.

When trying to install a game onto my second hard drive, I realized that I can't use it. When clicking on it in the file manager (name is "Hayes") it says:

Any idea how I can properly mount this drive?

Thanks in advance!


Looks like some global permission is missing.
I will have a look and be back.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on March 28, 2015, 11:11:34 PM
Looks like some global permission is missing.
I will have a look and be back.

We should check what Budgie uses for mounting the other partitions. Most DEs out there use GVFS, which handles everything for them. Normally that requires the user to be in a specific group (don't remember the group name though, but it's always something like "disks" or such). Maybe Budgie requires the user to be in such a specific group. Which file manager does Budgie use for handing file management (PCMan, Thunar, other)? That's probably the point to investigate.
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)


As far as I know, it uses Nautilus. Which also uses gvfs, yes.


I installed the spin last night.
I checked packages around polkit, policykit, pam, gvfs.
I also installed pcmanfm - the same problem.
I added the user to one extra group: disk - no changes.
But there is a message in ~HOME/.xsession-errors:
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Following the message I found:
QuoteSince you are not root on system, the process calling gnome-keyring-daemon does not have the privileges to prevent a possible write of the sensitive cryptographic key data to the system's hard disk.
and the command:
sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep `which gnome-keyring-daemon`
solved problem with it.
localuser:pawel being added to access control list

But it didn't solve the problem in a file manager.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I found it.
The solution is the same as I made in JWM, Openbox and Enlightenment spins.
Install lxpolkit:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lxpolkit

Create lxpolkit.desktop file in your home directory:
Paste the text into the desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]

Then reboot.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on March 29, 2015, 06:29:05 PM
I found it.
The solution is the same as I made in JWM, Openbox and Enlightenment spins.
Install lxpolkit:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lxpolkit

Create lxpolkit.desktop file in your home directory:
Paste the text into the desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]

Then reboot.

You're the man! Thank you!



Another question.
With your solution, I am now able to use the drive, but Steam doesn't seem to be able to use it.

When trying to create another library for Steam downloads, I noticed that I don't just have one "Hayes"; I have 2. Another mysterious Hayes popped up, and I have no clue why:

So I have a Hayes and a Hayes1. In a normal Nautilus window, the drive is named Hayes - but I noticed that in a Nautilus opened with the root terminal, it's called Hayes1. And when looking through the properties of both "drives", the normal Hayes is just a folder I can't delete. My drive is actually Hayes1, but it can't be used by Steam (I can use it freely though with your solution).

When trying to use Hayes1 with Steam, it says:

Any ideas?


Unmount your Hayes and Hayes1 partitions.
If you are not sure about that just reboot.
Make sure your partitions called Hayes and Hayes1 are NOT mounted. Check it:
sudo mount | grep /dev
Delete Hayes1 folder as root:
sudo rm -f /media/christoffer/Hayes1
After rebooting you should mount your internal partition in Hayes folder.
Be very careful with that.

A few years ago I haven't unmounted a partition so I just deleted all the files :)
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Well, Hayes1 can be unmounted, but Hayes is just a directory.

You say I have to delete Hayes1, but should I do that since that's the actual drive? Not Hayes?

And if I screw it up, not too big of a deal, I currently have no files on 'em xD :)

EDIT: I managed to delete Hayes dictionary in root Nautilus, now my only problem is the Steam error in the last picture. What's up with that?


The message says that the partition file system has to have execute permissions.
So it can't be vfat or ntfs.
It should be installed in home directory with Linux file system such as ext4.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on March 29, 2015, 10:32:24 PM
The message says that the partition file system has to have execute permissions.
So it can't be vfat or ntfs.
It should be installed in home directory with Linux file system such as ext4.

Thank you so much!


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