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Sparky On USB

Started by The Black Pig, March 08, 2015, 02:28:44 PM

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The Black Pig

Unless I have done something wrong using the USB installar just installs a 'live' version .
Is it possible to have 'persistance' on the USB sick and if so how ?


No, there is no option to save a live session (persistence).
Otherwise you can format the USB and and make "full" (normal) installation on USB stick.
I never tried to do so using the present live-installer (should works), but I've done it a few times using the old one.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

The Black Pig


Been trying to get my full install on 16g usb to boot and pc's dont see usb as bootable after install. Install SparkyLinux 3.6 LXDE x86_64 from booted CD to USB /dev/sdb with partitions /boot /root /home and swap, installed grub on /boot (/dev/sdb1) no boot so tried setting up with /root /home swap and install grub on /dev/sdb and still does not see it as bootable. Any ideas? can I make changes without re-installing?



1. Does your Bios have an option to boot from USB?

2. Do you have other Linux distro installed on HD?
If yest connect sparky to USB, run Linux distro from HD, refresh grub:
sudo update-grub
Then reboot.

3. What installer have you used to install sparky on USB?
The live-installer from the desktop? or the old one?

4. Does you machine have Bios or UEFI?

Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on March 25, 2015, 06:31:18 PM
1. Does your Bios have an option to boot from USB?

Yes all 3 PCs I'v tried on do

2. Do you have other Linux distro installed on HD?
If yest connect sparky to USB, run Linux distro from HD, refresh grub:
sudo update-grub
Then reboot.

No other linux, win7 on all machines

3. What installer have you used to install sparky on USB?
The live-installer from the desktop? or the old one?

I burned ISO to CD booted that up and installed from the desktop installer to usb.

4. Does you machine have Bios or UEFI?

All Bios. Ive got Tails running on another stick boots no problem on all machines, also have yet another stick with live versions of sparky and 5 other distros to multiboot from for testing to see what I wanted a full install of, chose sparky :-)

EDIT: Just tried to boot from an offce CAD machine lol, got this msg:
error: file '/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found.
grub rescue>



I never tried to install sparky on an USB using live-installer.
But I used the old installer many times to do so and I can say it works fine.
What I can suggest is:
1. format usb stick
2. run sparky live again and use the old installer:
sudo sparkylinux-installer gui
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Finally got it to run, but all this seems in vane as it runs horrible slow compared to live ver as well as tails w/persistence and kali w/persistence on usb's. Need to try this on other machines though and do some more playing around....

Thanks for helping me out!

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