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Set clock by ntp (mate-time-admin)

Started by vboehm, January 25, 2015, 05:31:40 PM

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I have a SparkyLinux 3.6 (Mate) installed two days ago.

Now I wanted to set up the clock by using
    System --> Systemverwaltung --> Datum und Uhrzeit

After changing the 'Konfiguration'-Selection from 'Manuell' to 'Abgleich mit Internet aufrecht erhalten' the program stated:
    NTP-Unterstützung ist nicht installiert
    Bitte installieren und aktivieren Sie die NTP-Unterstützung, um den Abgleich der lokalen Zeit über Internet-Zeit Server zu ermöglichen.

Which means: No NTP support installed. Please install NTP support to ...

Since the package ntpdate was installed and tested before, I don't know which kind of NTP support the program requires.

Any Ideas?

regards  Volker


Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


After that you'll probably want to have it running on system start-up, so you'll need to enable it (as root):

systemctl start ntpd
systemctl enable ntpd

I don't remember if the service is named ntp or ntpd, so if the first command fails, just try using the shorter name (ntp) for both commands.
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)

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