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Latest Version Razor QT

Started by The Black Pig, January 22, 2015, 06:51:51 PM

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The Black Pig

Just tried this , would love to install BUT as far as I can see there is no way of changing the monitor settings ?


There should be "Monitor Settings" or so in the Menu.
If it is not there, install lxrandr package which provides the utility.

By the way it's the last Razor-Qt Sparky spin I made.
Razor-Qt in not under development any more so if you like Qt desktop, I suggest to try LXQt instead.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

The Black Pig

I like your version Pavroo  ;)

The Black Pig

Wow Pavroo  LXQT is greeeeeeeeeeeeat  :) :) you have excelled My friend


Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


How's the stability of LXQt? Last time I've checked it had some major hickups on basic features like window minimizing/maximizing, etc. Is the experience stable enough for daily usage? ;)
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)


Hot corners are still a bit wonky and it has locked up on me a few times but 0.8 is very close to be a stable desktop ready for daily use. The window manager problems are gone as far as I can tell I've been switching back and forth between openbox and kwin with no problems.

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