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Jeff Hoogland and Bodhi Linux

Started by perknh, September 15, 2014, 05:36:04 PM

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Friends and Sparkyites,

PCNetSpec, our friend from Peppermint forum, shared with us at Peppermint some sad news.  Jeff Hoogland, lead developer at Bodhi Linux, has stepped down, and, according to DistroWatch, Bodhi Linux has been discontinued.

Needless to say, we've all had a great admiration for Jeff Hoogland's work, and we hate to see a good Linux distro go down -- esp. one of the few Enlightenment distros that was still running, and loved by many thousands.  Also, by the way, Jeff was working with E19 -- one of the few people to do so.

When I heard this news I knew I needed to get this news to Sparky Linux.  Sparky Linux is one of the few Linux OSes that has, and works, with the Enlightenment DE.  And this makes Sparky's work even more important with the Enlightenment DE now.  Needless to say, nobody wants to see Enlightenment go extinct.

This is why, I'm writing.  Sad news that this is, this is news Sparky Linux needs to know.  :(

This news, and thread, from Peppermint OS, is found in the link below.

It's seems you'll need to copy and paste to read this thread found in Peppermint forum.




Thank's for the news.
I posted it yesterday on Sparky's fan pages too.
For me, it's not good news too.
Jeff would like to give an access to the Bodhi scripts and other things so mayby somebody take it over to keep it developing.
Hope so.
Anyway, I've started to compile Enlightenment myself to provide the freshest e19 packages (sparky 3.5 e19-dev).
I was defending long time before that, but I don't have a choice if I'd like to keep Sparky 'E' spin elive. It's not possible to find e19 debs made by someone now.

To conclude it if you have any experience with compiling of the enlightenment and could help solving bugs, simple let me know, please.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


QuoteTo conclude it if you have any experience with compiling of the enlightenment and could help solving bugs, simple let me know, please. -- pavroo

I wish I could, pavroo.  I'm still a newbie, really.  I am an admirer of Jeff Hoogland's work.  I thought since you guys, who are working with Debian, and are on the front lines making everything better for all the rest of us -- from Ubuntu to Peppermint...well,  I just felt you folks needed to know this news.  There aren't so many Enlightenment distros left.

Of course, what I didn't know was that you already knew the news -- the discontinuation of Bodhi Linux.

Thank you, pavroo.



QuoteI wish I could, pavroo
That's OK, no problem.
I was playing with the e19 compilation last few days and it's going better now.
I tried a few additional apps from the git repo but most of them not working well.
The core e19 is fine, I got back icons (they did not work in sparky 3.5 e19-dev iso) and terminology is still broken.
It's development version of Enlightenment so it's better to wait for a stable release. 
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


QuoteIt's development version of Enlightenment so it's better to wait for a stable release.

"The E19 Release Cycle has concluded. Thanks to everyone who helped along the way."
"Published on Mon, Sep 15, 7:06 AM by zmike"

What happen, as we all know, bugs always exist.
This is my first time here but I know that Sparky is a Distro with lots of potential: @ Dedoimedo, "potential as a real player 8/10. "
Also, I'm a long time Enlightenment fan. Hence, my best bet for the common's E/Sparky success: encourage all E19dev users to tell about bugs, have a Distro expert reproducing them and reporting upstream.

Thanks and congratulation for the outstanding work you and your team have been doing here.
I prefer an inconvenient truth over a reassuring lie


Thank's for the link, it's clear now.
I was me the first e compilations and I keep working to improve what I broken.
I also made a new (light-gray) theme to be compatible with other sparky's desktop look.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


When I used bodhi linux I enjoyed it very much and now that I found sparkylinux, I enjoy it more than ever. In my humble, newbie opinion sparkylinux is the best ever linux distro. Thanks to pavroo and his team if there is any team. Thanks a lot for making this happen.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


I consider sparkylinux as my destiny in hope for searching perfect linux distro.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


One of the negatives of a distro developed by one person.  Unfortunately, some of the niche distros seem to be developed by one person.

I remember Jeff when he was still working on his Master's degree.  I had purchased a Cricket USB modem and I wanted to use it under CrunchBang Linux.  I came across a post by Jeff where he came up with a workaround that would enable the Cricket USB modem to work with Linux.  I offered to give him a donation for his workaround, but he told me to donate it to my favorite Linux distro, which happened to be CrunchBang.  So I donated an extra $15 on top of my donation to CrunchBang Linux.


Looks like that ubuntu and enlightenment fans will be happy again :)
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I'm a new guy here , but a long time enlightenment user , and a longer linux user.
I'm currently a heavy Solydx user , and have been using their presented but barely supported E_17 , it's good stuff , so good I got bored and borrowed Pavoo's E_19.
Sadly I am doomed to still be bored , everything (E_19 on SolydXK ) is working perfectly fine. ;-P.
Since they are currently (Solydxk ) is currently understaffed , can I suggest sharing code with them , they are almost as good as Sparklinux ( and maybe increase to pool of Enlightenment to a blind , unseeing world ...... )

Sparkylinux Cli on HP netbook
Solydxk Mutant on HP Desktop


I am not sure it's good idea.
As you said there is nobody working now, it'll be difficult to make something together :(
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Is ok , I made the suggestion , time will tell :}


Addendum : Over several other distros , I have used a script to download , compile old e_17 , and install same , script called "Easy_E17 ", ( another called Reasy_E17 as well ).
At this point , the original scripts are completely outdated by the advances in E_17 ( ne: E 19 or E 18 ). But on recent investigation I found this : https://github.com/ppurka/easy_e17 .
It does not install on Sparkylinux cli (32bit) , but it seems of interest enough that I thought you may want to see it.

I hope you can find it useful


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