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Filezilla Downloading and Uploading

Started by Techarena, January 12, 2015, 10:45:15 AM

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Hi ,

I am new to use filezilla and i used an online filezilla ftp uploading and downloading files tutorial ( https://www.shorttutorials.com/ftp/transfer-files.html). I understood it...But is there any possibility to do it using command...Kindly someone help.


Quote from: Techarena on January 12, 2015, 10:45:15 AM
But is there any possibility to do it using command...

Hi. What do you mean by "using command"? Do you mean using FTP from a command line interface (CLI)? FileZilla is a graphical tool and can only be used as such. The only options from the command line that you get are those to launch site manager at start-up or connect to the provided FTP address. There're no options for doing uploads/downloads from the CLI.

If you want to script it, then you can look at some of the tutorials on the web, like http://www.stratigery.com/scripting.ftp.html

Basically it goes down to making a script like this:


quote USER $USER

-- you ftp commands like PUT, GET, etc. here--

exit 0
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)


You can also use Midnight Commander which works in text mode too.
It starts with the command: mc
Then choose Left tab-> FTP transfer
To make connection with a server:
Then it will ask you for the server password.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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