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Reset Panel and Desktop

Started by HimAgain, December 20, 2014, 09:42:27 PM

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I have swapped from Linux Mint and retained my home partition and username.  Unfortunately, SparkyLinux Mate is picking up the profile settings for my old Mint panel and desktop.  I created another user which gets all the great Sparky features.  I could bring in my data and profile for email and other aps.  I then need to rename the new user etc. 

I would prefer to just reset the full gui in my own profile so I get the panel etc.  At present I cannot even access the aps because there is no menu. 

How do I reset panel, menu and desktop for my preferred account?


To reset MATE settings to the sparky's default, do:
1. Move two folders:
~HOME/.config/dconf to dconf.bak
~HOME/.config/mate to mate.bak

2. Reboot.
After rebooting, the system should reload the settings the same way as on first boot after hard drive installation.
Hope it will help.
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