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Blueman Applet

Started by ocalasun, November 12, 2014, 02:52:33 AM

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I have no use for the Blueman Applet,  proceeded to uninstall and it seems to want to uninstall Sparky-Center also. Is there a way to unistall without affecting Sparky-Center? At the least I'd like to have it not load at startup in the system tray. Any ideas?



I am using Sparkylinux JWM. Previously I used Sparkylinux LxDE and had the problem you are having right now and I didn't uninstall it, I just went system properties and there was some setting, I don't remember but it can be used to enable and disable startup apps. Let me google search it...



Menu, Preferences, Desktop Session Settings, Automatically Started Applications
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.


Thanks....simple enough lol. I missed that one...sometimes too many places to find settings and I miss one.


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